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Select * from 2007_rdir where Name like '%Mexico H3%' num: 2
This Club is Alive
I Can't Believe Its Not Mexico H3 --> [NEW 2021 Club Edit (76) [See by itself] [Main Update: ID=76]

last updated: 2014-01-27 Is Kennel eligible for IH Directory?: Y (active at least monthly)
Country/state/Area/City: USA / TX/ Rio Grande Valley / Edinburg
We Hash: Monthly Saturday 15:00 DST 
lat/lng26.30173700N 98.163343W
Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000981277047&ref=ts
Hotline (TEL #):956.648.0971
Email: icbinmh3@yahoogroups.com
Contact Name
Butter Bling

Contact 1: JJ *Butter Bling* Trevino
Date First Hash:2005-08-30
Founder:Butter Bling*
Cofounders:Dude, Where's My Dick?
Parent Hash:Corpus Christi H3
Kennel Details:
The bastard spawn of the Corpus Christi HHH. We are a young Hash. Our census is small so, we only Hash on the 1st Saturday of every month (unless there's a special occasion). We hope to Hash more often as we get more members. We are primarily based in the city of Edinburg, Tx. (approx. 20 min. north of the U.S./Mexico border). The surrounding area is called the Rio Grande Valley. Our Hashes are about 2-4 miles, mainly through city streets but, we're always able to find some decent Shiggy. We ask for $5 for Hash cash. As stated before; we are a young Hash so, a web site is still in the works. If you find yourself in the R.G.V.; please give us a call. ON-ON

This Club is Alive
Mexico H3 --> [NEW 2021 Club Edit (650) [See by itself] [Main Update: ID=650]

last updated: 2021-04-15 Is Kennel eligible for IH Directory?: Y (active at least monthly)
Country/state/Area/City: MEXICO / Mexico D.F./ Mexico D.F. / Mexico D.F.
We Hash: Every Saturday 12:00 All Year 
Monthly Saturday 14:00 All Year
lat/lng19.43260800N 99.133208W
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/mexicohhh
Email: fruitbal@hotmail.com
Contact Name
Fool Time Score

Contact 1: *Fool Time Score*
Contact 2: *Boghopper*
Date First Hash:2010-03-01
Cofounders:Fool Time Score
Parent Hash:Mexico City HHH, Yorkshire HHH
Kennel Details:
Once a month we have a fiesta hash *Sponsored by Corona*. Otherwise every Saturday at 12pm. Check out our webste for all the latest information...www.mexicohhh.com